You asked us for more resources involving primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and we listened. Our current book club selection is Where the Light Gets In by Kimberly Williams-Paisley, a moving account of her mother’s experience with PPA. We recently profiled Terry Jones as part of our on-going series of celebrities with aphasia. And now we’re kicking off our new video series with a brief explanation of PPA:

Our New Video Series

The video series has been a long time in the making, and we have several that we’ll be uploading over the next few months. We tested the waters with a short video for Aphasia Awareness Month:

The success of that video convinced the NAA to put the finishing touches on a series of short videos meant to educate the general public or the newly diagnosed. We thought it was important to start with primary progressive aphasia, not just because it is often misunderstood but because there are so few resources available for this particular type of aphasia.

Thank you for helping us share these videos and get them out to the general public, either through social media platforms, direct email, or clinic newsletters. As we said at the end of our Aphasia Awareness Month video, we could all use more understanding in this world.