Hi! My name is Katie Strong. I am a speech-language pathologist and researcher. For the last 25 years, I have worked with people impacted by aphasia. Currently, I work at Central Michigan University. I am a Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Distinguished Scholar.

My research explores how identity changes after having aphasia. I believe that we are the stories we tell. We process life through the telling and re-telling of stories. Aphasia takes away language, an essential tool, that is necessary for storytelling. I’m interested in how stories can help people with aphasia process major life changes. I am also interested in training therapists to support people with aphasia rebuild their identity by telling and sharing stories about who they are. You can learn more about my lab at Strong Story Lab

Here’s a bit about me and my research. It includes a song about life created by a person with aphasia.

I am a host for the Aphasia Access Conversations Podcast.  I invite you to listen to the show.

I am a founding member of the Lansing Area Aphasia Support Group. If you live in mid-Michigan, we’d love to have you join us at our meetings. During the pandemic, we are meeting virtually on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom. Contact lansing.aphasia.group@gmail.com for more information.


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