Student-run aphasia groups take place for ninety minutes per week for the duration of every semester.  Groups are capped at ten participants and are designed as a safe place to practiceaphasia party 1 communication, to ask questions, and to receive and provide feedback to others aphasia.  Discussions tend to include topical current world and local events.  Language games are designed to increase word finding and to provide additional practice.  Participants vary in severity.  We accommodate all ability levels.  This past semester, several members contributed to the creation of our Aphasia Group Newsletter.

This group is also an educational one for our students so we will ask you to provide us with a medical history, if possible, and may ask you to perform an assessment.

We encourage you to try aphasia group.  The only way to improve your language is to use it!  To sign up or to try a session, please call us at (860) 486-4140 and ask for Samantha to give you a call!

Jennifer Mozeiko, PhD, CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor and
Aphasia Group Coordinator
Director, Aphasia Rehab Lab

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