Core Speech Therapy works with individuals and families in the Santa Barbara area to create highly individualized therapy programs that target functional skills.

Melissa Johnson is a Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist residing in Santa Barbara, California. Melissa received her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Disorders and Master of Science degree in Medical Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Washington. She holds a Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and is licensed as a Speech-Language Pathologist by the State of California. Melissa has extensive experience working with a wide variety of individuals with speech and language disorders in diverse settings. Melissa has worked in outpatient clinics, acute care hospitals, rehabilitation units, schools, and private practice.

Therapy Locations

  1. In-home
  2. In the community

Service Delivery:

  1. Individual
  2. Group Sessions


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