Experienced, New York State Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist:
Online Speech Therapy for Adults.
Continue Your Speech and Swallowing Therapy at Home.

CONCIERGE CARE: The Care and Attention you Deserve.

·      Professional and Compassionate

·      Personalized Treatment Plans

·      Unhurried Visits

·      29 Years of Experience with Adult Speech-Language/Swallowing Disorders

Evaluation and Treatment Available for:

·      Aphasia: A language impairment that can affect all modalities of language: verbal expression, auditory comprehension, written output and reading comprehension.

·      Motor Speech Disorders:

-Apraxia: Difficulty starting and producing voluntary speech movement patterns when there is no weakness/paralysis of the speech muscles.

-Dysarthria: Weakness of the muscles of the mouth, face, and respiratory system that may result in imprecise articulation, soft voice, rapid or slow speech, reduced intonation.

LSVT LOUD® certified and LSVT eLOUD trained (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment.)

·      Cognitive-Linguistic Impairment: Problems with memory, attention, problem solving and abstract reasoning.

·      Dysphagia: Oral-pharyngeal swallowing disorders.


Eliminate the need for travel to appointments.

More convenient: Saves time and lessens fatigue.

Stay safe: Reduce exposure risk to COVID19.

Continue making progress toward your goals at home.


Telepractice works on any of the following devices:

  • Desktop computer

  • Laptop computer

  • Tablet Device

Built-in webcam and speakers are needed.​

Evaluation and Treatment Sessions are conducted on a secure, HIPAA compliant telepractice (videoconferencing) platform.

Contact Me:

Please contact me for a convenient appointment time.

Currently accepting private pay clients.

Update as of July 22, 2020: Now also a Participating Medicare Provider.

Tel: (914) 627-8552

Fax: (844) 941-1990

E-mail: apestreichslp@protonmail.com

More Information:

Website: amypestreichslp.com

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/amy-pestreich-m-a-ccc-slp-a77a0b1b

Guest Blog: https://www.revercare.com/post/medical-speech-language-pathologis

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amypestreichslp/


NY 10562

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