Introducing Legacy Pages

Legacy pages memorialize members of our aphasia community. We want to show the world the similarities and unique aspects of each aphasia experience, and we want to make sure that people who experience aphasia or aid those who have aphasia are not forgotten.

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Creating a Legacy Page

Anyone who has experienced aphasia or who works with people with aphasia in either a caregiver or professional capacity are invited to create a legacy page.  The initiative is in place for people we lose in the future, but we also encourage people to create legacy pages for people who died years ago. Find a form for submitting the information and story of the individual you would like to memorialize below.

Legacy Page Submission Form

Browse Legacy Posts

In addition to contributing a legacy page, we encourage you to read and leave a comment on other legacy pages.  These stories represent the contributions that people have made to our community.  You can make a donation in their name, or continue their legacy by educating the general public about aphasia