Think Again Speak Again Brain Injury Rehabilitation Therapy

  • Have you or a loved one ever had a head injury?
  • Discharged from the hospital with little or no therapy?
  • Received therapy but still experiencing difficulty?
  • Experiencing occupational, academic, or social difficulty or differences after a head injury?
  • Not sure if your symptoms are related to your head injury?

We can provide the support, information, testing, and/or treatment, you need. Schedule a consultation today at  Let’s Think Again and Speak Again together.TreeBrainLogo



Good for you, good for your health

Talking, listening, reading, & memory

connect us to what we value most: family, friends, work, and recreation. Medical conditions and developmental delays can make it difficult to communicate and participate in life. A certified and licensed NeuroSpeech-Language Pathologist can help you or your loved one with speech, understanding, swallowing, executive functions, and more following an illness, stroke, or head injury.

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